2014 was a special year with Daddy because he took an 8 month sabbatical from Cirque to be home. Max loved fishing, biking, gardening, apple orchard, pumpkin picking, Doc McStuffins show, rock throwing, trains, cooking, camping in Wyoming, "back-up" park, DQ runs, and just getting dirty while in his PJ's all day with his Daddy.
He also enjoyed going part-time at Kids Grow with his buddies Bode, Henry, Eli, Hayden, Lucas and more.
Scott returned to Cirque de Soleil - Kurios show in October 2014 so we got to spend Thanksgiving in the San Francisco sunshine and then Christmas in the valleys of Wyoming.
Our Freeland Family Adventures with Cirque de Soleil continue . . .
Birthday cookies for school.
Karate Kid . . . wax on, wax off.
Making friends at Lake Sarah neighborhood picnic. Daddy won 1st place with Matt in the Bass Tournament.
The 1st of many potty breaks.
Summer fun with the Cousins!
Camping in Wyoming with the Freeland Crew.
Mama's little helper.
Roar - Wis Dells adventures.
Handy; like his Daddy!
First day of Max's new school at Kids Grow.
Pumpkin picking
Mr. Blue Eyes fishing
Here I come Daaaaaaaaddy!
First big boy hair cut. So handsome!
Race car driving power! Trick-or-treat with our friends: Jace, Emma, Max & Ryan.
Jonah & Charlie trying to convert Max into a Packers Fan during their sleepover.
Park fun in San Fran
Yummy crab, but Mac n' cheese for Max, like usual.
Silly dude getting sillier!
Muir Woods - California
Peace out Santa. Can I have a scooter for Christmas?
30 seconds later, Daddy buys Max a scooter . . . sucker!
School Christmas program filled with carols and cuties.
Faster Papa, faster Papa! Red Canyon Lodge
The cousins! I'm going to put bricks on all their adorable heads.
Faster Papa, faster Papa! Red Canyon Lodge
Happy birthday Daddy! Celebrated in Redmond.
Loved scootin' to his morning sucker. Sugar is a major food group, right?
The adventure gene (a.k.a. give Mommy a heart attack) is growing.
And growing . . .
We love you, Max, more than there is grass, trees, planets, or people. We love you to infinity and beyond -- you're our favorite!
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