6 going on 16! Where did the time go?
My big guy is becoming more independent by the day, but remains the same sweet, smart, silly, sensitive and still a little sassy dude.
Max loves playing with friends, smelly farts, Kids YouTube videos, soccer, Vikings, t-ball, monkey bars, loud burps, riding in GeGe's pez mobile, boating, crab cakes while searching for Rainbow hair friends, fishing, The Big Thrill Factory, swimming, pancakes, mini golf, snuggling (thank goodness), playing games, Disney music, and anything containing sugar!
There are not enough words to express how much I love my big guy. I love that his curiosity continues to thrive, his kindness to others has no limits, his ability to handle change in stride, his thirst for knowledge, his growing assertiveness in sports, his calculated choices and his brave attitude to rock Kindergarten. Go Rockford Rockets Class of 2030!
Max - You are the best parts of Mommy and Daddy. Thank you for giving me my favorite name, Mommy.
I am grateful for you. There is never a time I don't love you! Or as Max would say, "I love you more, no changes!" Then hang up, run off or cover his ears.
Headwaters at Lake Itasca
Paddle boarding at Summers cabin. Max took me for a ride too!
T-ball stud! Go Green Team!
Love my silly dude!
Buddies hanging out and searching for Goose feathers.
1st place in long jump!
2nd place in 400 meter run!
Excited to turn 6 years old! Slow down Buddy, I'm going to put bricks on your head.
Catching fish for a fish fry.
6th birthday party at Inneractive.
Summer, Ava, Eli, Kaleb, Max, Owen, Hayden, Colten, Jonah, Olivia, Charle
I was so impressed with how much Max's soccer skills have developed. He scored countless goals, got ahead of the plays, was more aggressive and awesome at defense too. He (and Kate) rocked soccer. Go Safety Green Dinosaurs!
Catching fish like they're going out of style.
Helicopter ride with Daddy in Las Vegas. Gave Mommy a heart attack ;)
Disney World fun!
Hover Dam. It was Max's idea to brave the whole bridge walk. You make me proud, Dude!
Grand Canyon. He also braved the skywalk that is over 4000 feet off the ground!
Lots of raspberries for SheShe before her big North Carolina move. Congrats on your engagement SheShe and Ovid!
Max and one of his best buds, Eli
Summertime fun!
Happy birthday Buddy! I look forward to many more years of watching you grow. I love you MORE, no changes!