
2 Years Old

Our little Monkey is officially a BIG BOY!  Crawling, walking and one word calls are a thing of the past.  We're onto running, skipping, talking in full sentences and disagreeing non-stop.  "Mine" and "no, no" (with a head and finger shake) continue to top the list, but "pleeese" and "thanks" are a close 2nd.

Since our last update, Max has lived in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Redmond with Minnesota trips in-between.  Denver will be his next stop along with a Evanston trip to visit the Freeland crew.  Max is ready to rock his Red Devils and Western Wyoming gear!  We also added another country stamp to his passport with a fun family vacation to Cabo San Lucas.  That makes 4 countries (Japan, Canada, US & Mexico) all by the ripe old age of 2.
VIP at Edmonton Eskimos Canadian Football game.  Believe Max was yelling "mine" at someone with a hot dog.

Max continues to be an angel (90% of the time).  He loves swimming class, bossing Stella (GeGe's dog) around, reading books, speaking very loudly (doctor assures us he isn't deaf.  Rather wants to get his point across, polite way of saying bossy.), playing at Charlie & Jonah's house, sliding at the park, being a "helper" (more like spreading dirt and throwing laundry), rides in his Vroom (car), cart rides at Target (Mama's favorite stop), getting Starbucks with Dada, dancing, not eating his vegetables, avoiding diaper changes, T-ball (watch for flying balls around Max at all times), watching any Disney Jr. show, and pointing out big machines, trucks, and city & school buses.  

 Despite always bossing Stella around, she is never far from Max.  Think the treats and constant food droppings help . . . 

 Buddies: Jonah, Charlie & Max

Max loves Dada's work with all the "Big Machines"!  I promise, Grandma-ma, Papa, GeGe & Grandpa G, that he was fully supervised during this photo.

Max is a happy little guy and continues to develop into a healthy toddler.  At his 2 year doctor appointment he was 37.5 inches (99% percentile group) and is predicted to be 6' 2" at full height.  Glad he loves basketball too!

He has filled our hearts with endless love and laughter.  Auntie Shell (or SheShe to Max) made him an incredible video for this 2nd birthday that highlights his amazing life along with his favorite songs.  
Please enjoy: 2 year video from SheShe 

We look forward to many more wonderful years with our lovable MaxMax!