
9 Months

Ready. Set. Go . . .  

Happy 9 months Monkey!
Kiss me, I'm Irish!  
The army crawls and back pushing started at 8 months
I was working on my computer and all the sudden this little adorable face appeared under the glass table.  
 Mama's little blue eyed angel!
 Couldn't find the little bugger until I heard giggles coming from under the bed.
 We took a trip to the gorgeous Montreal Botanical Gardens
Garden butterfly.  Max loved the butterflies flying about and landing on him. 
Such a stud muffin!
We made the most of our only 70 degree day in Montreal and look forward to many more to come.
Loves snuggling with Dada in the morning
Thank you Auntie Alison for the adorable overall's.

Max is officially on the move!

Love and miss you all!