
Grandma Eck Montreal Visit

We had a blast with Grandma E!  We walked all around the city, drove around town (rather jerked start and stop for miles on end cause of the awful construction and crumbling bridges), visited Notre-Dame Basilica, Mont Royal, Cirque headquarters, shopped, ate Grandma's home cooking, tried new restaurants and watched the Cardinals take on the World Series.  Max especially loved Grandma's fabulous bath time massages.  He would smile, coo, stick his tongue out and click when she rubbed his hands and feet.

Dining in style with Grandma E at a French restaurant in the Old Port
Notre-Dame Basillica
The Bank of Montreal
On top of Mont Royal or known as "The Mountain" overlooking the Northern area and St. Lawrence River at the tail end of the Fall foliage.
The big bronze clown shoe outside Cirque headquarters.

Over the Halloween weekend we visited Quinn Farms about 45 minutes outside Montreal.  We saw pigs, chickens, cows, goats and horses.  None of which Max gave a hoot about yet because they didn't flash fancy bright colors or rub his feet, but still amusing to see his countless facial expressions.  We also went on a hayride to their apple orchard and pumpkin patch.  We made a delicious homemade apple pie with the local Cortland, Spartan and Empire apples.  Not as good as Minnesota's famous Honeycrisp in my opinion, but still tasty.  Then we carved pumpkins at Velvet, Mike and Myla's house with friends.  It was a fun farewell week to Fall!
 Don't think the stinky part helped with Max's interest level either.
 Family of skunks on our hayride
 Picking apples for our pie
 Max found a good one and directed Daddy to get more.
Pumpkins were a bit picked over 

Thanks again to Grandma Eck for making the special trip.  Now we look forward to Grandma and Grandpa Freeland coming this week.  Max is a happy, spoiled little boy and he always welcomes more pampering visitors!
 With the bright blue sleeper underneath we called Max the Pumpkin that ate a Smurf
 Ex Koozan - some artists wore a skull outfit during Scott's old show, Kooza.
He is a mover and shaker now!
Max learning of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries divorce - not shocked nor upset, just drooly as usual.